Firstly loosed root zone soil to collect rhizosphere soil, and uprooted whole plant cotton, then gently shook off root zone soil, and finally get root surface adhesion soil. The nonrhizosphere soil samples have been collected 105 cm depth from surface. For purpose of this study, we proposed a detail research scheme to evaluate status alterations of soil potassium from path model (Fig. 1). We conducted soil K ions exchange experiments for soil samples, and further calculated their selectivity coefficients, and explored potassium status on basis of path model to ascertain dynamic modifications of potassium status and specific environmental parameters. Soil samples have been NonRhizosphere soil in OPTimum of K of High efficiency genotype cotton (NROPTH); NonRhizosphere soil in OPTimum of K of Low efficiency genotype Table 1. Properties of mead soil for experiments.cotton (NROPTL); NonRhizosphere soil in Shortage of K of High efficiency genotype cotton (NRSKH); NonRhizosphere soil in Shortage of K of Low efficiency genotype cotton (NRSKL); NonRhizosphere soil in Shortage of Water of Higher efficiency genotype cotton (NRSWH); NonRhizosphere soil in Shortage of Water of Low efficiency genotype cotton (NRSWL); NonRhizosphere soil in Shortage of Water and K of High efficiency genotype cotton (NRSWKH); NonRhizosphere soil in Shortage of Water and K of Low efficiency genotype cotton (NRSWKL); Rhizosphere soil in OPTimum of K of Higher efficiency genotype cotton (ROPTH); Rhizosphere soil in OPTimum of K of Low efficiency genotype cotton (ROPTL); Rhizosphere soil in Shortage of K of Higher efficiency genotype cotton (RSKH); Rhizosphere soil in Shortage of K of Low efficiency genotype cotton (RSKL); Rhizosphere soil in Shortage of Water of High efficiency genotype cotton (RSWH); Rhizosphere soil in Shortage of Water of Low efficiency genotype cotton (RSWL); Rhizosphere soil in Shortage of Water and K of High efficiency genotype cotton (RSWKH); Rhizosphere soil in Shortage of Water and K of Low efficiency genotype cotton (RSWKL).5-Bromo-2-cyclopropoxypyridine Chemical name Firstly, we divided experiment soil into eight therapies, and after that implemented 256 soil samples test (Fig.737007-45-3 site 2). We measured 33 parameters in the different attributes of 256 soil samples. Those parameters have been chosen based on standards of Hashimoto and Kang research methods of phosphorus[19,31]. Humic acid (NHA) in soil which can be extracted by NaOH resolution (0.1 molL21, pH = three), humic acid (PHA) in soil which is usually extracted by Na2P2O4 resolution (0.PMID:36628218 05 molL21, pH = 9.two), humus linked to iron (HMi) and humic linked to clay (HMc). Essential experimental sampling test datasets were listed in Table 2 capable 6. Secondly, statistical evaluation was further implemented to investigate connection involving environmental parameters and potassium status. Datasets were normalized, followed by correlation analysis (Table 7), 8 out of 16 parameters were selected hence to figure out by far the most significant parameters. Path coefficients of absolute value of represented the size impact on potassium morphology transform. The size on the “” meant the same as the arrow direction with arrow, “2” represents in contrast for the arrow path with arrow. Ultimately, path model of potassium status was constructed on basis of direct and indirect correlated parameters. In this model, “e1” represents unknown variable and its influence element, the straight line with arrows stands for direct effect aspect, and double arc arrow is path of interaction in between parameters.Soil properties Imply c.