Ecanoic acid 1. 3.two. Structure Elucidation of Compound 16 The protondecoupled 13 CNMR showed an envelope of carbons resonating at C 29.79.four along with six other carbon signals which from the DEPT 135 spectrum gave 1 methyl at C 14.1, the remaining 5 were methylene carbons which resonated between C 32.92.7. On the other hand, exceptMedicines 2016, 3, 3 Medicines 2016, three, 3 Medicines 2016, three,66of 99 of six offor the for the methyl carbon at C 14.1, as well as the carbon that resonated at C 63.1 that is characteristic of an for the methyl carbon at C 14.1, and the carbon that resonated atatC63.1 which is characteristic of an methyl carbon at C 14.1, and the carbon that resonated 3 C 63.1 which is characteristic of oxygenated aliphatic methylene carbon, the common sp aliphatic methylene carbons. From oxygenated aliphatic methylene carbon, the rest had been standard sp3 aliphatic methylene carbons. From an oxygenated aliphatic methylene carbon, rest werewere standard sp3 aliphatic methylene carbons. the rest the 1 proton broad singlet at H three.69 (characteristic of aliphatic the 1HNMR, a two proton broad singlet at H three.69 (characteristic of an oxygenated aliphatic FromHNMR, a two two proton broad singlet at H three.69 (characteristic ofan oxygenated aliphatic the 1 HNMR, a an oxygenated atmosphere), a further triplet of three protons appearing up field H 0.93 (standard of a terminal an additional triplet of three protons appearing up field H 0.93 (standard of a terminal environment), environment), a further triplet of three protons appearing up field H 0.93 (standard of a terminal aliphatic aliphatic methyl) had been apparent singlets had been at H 2.22, and aliphatic methyl) were observed. Three apparent singlets had been observed at H two.22, H 1.63, and methyl) had been observed. observed. 3 singlets were observed atobserved H 1.63, andH 1.63, due 3 apparent H two.22, H 1.30 H 1.30 due possibly to insufficient resolution on a 300 MHz NMR. These apparent singlet signals H 1.30 due possibly to insufficient resolution on a 300 MHz NMR. These apparent singlet signals possibly to insufficient resolution on a 300 MHz NMR. These apparent singlet signals (which ought to (which should have multiplets) characteristic of sp3 (which should happen to be quintets or at worst multiplets) have been characteristic of sp3 aliphatic happen to be quintets orbeen quintets or at worst characteristicwere three aliphatic methylenealiphatic at worst multiplets) were of sp protons methylene protons (Table 3, see also Figures S5 and S6).2089377-51-3 manufacturer These data are constant having a lengthy aliphatic three, consistent with aliphatic methylene protons (Table S5 see also Figures S5 and S6).2′-O-MOE-U Chemscene These data region extended aliphatic a long attached (Table 3, see also Figures and S6).PMID:23551549 These information are constant with chain chain attached to a hydroxyl confirmation was chain attached to a hydroxyl group. Additional confirmation was obtained in the GCMS library data to a hydroxyl group. Furthergroup. Furtherwas obtained fromobtained from the GCMS library information confirmation the GCMS library data match. Hence, match. Thus, identified as match. Thus, compound 16 was identified as 1octacosanol. compound 16compound 16 was1octacosanol.1octacosanol. was identified asTable 3. 1H (300 MHz) and 13 spectra of 16 in CDCl3 Table three. 1H (300 MHz) and 13C (75 MHz) NMR spectra of 16 in CDCl3. Table three. 1 H (300 MHz) and 13C (75 MHz) NMR spectra of 16 in CDCl3.. C (75 MHz) NMRPosition PositionPositionH(ppm) H(ppm)3.69, 2H, br s 3.69, 2H, br s three.69, 2H, br s 2.22, 2H, s 2.22, 2H,.